
When one half of the population is restrained from taking part in society, we lose half the possibilities for solutions. CARE places special focus on empowering women and girls because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to lift whole families and communities out of poverty. CARE Norway works in 10 countries, promoting gender equality and women’s rights.

This is how CARE Norway works:

By cooperating mainly with women, CARE Norway works for sustainable change for the better. We offer women knowledge and guidance in finding ways to fend for themselves. When we work with men, we promote their ability to support gender equality for a better society.

Our programmes and our policy work tackle the underlying causes of poverty so that people can become self-sufficient. This creates less dependency on humanitarian aid in the future. We provide life-saving assistance when disaster strikes, and help people rebuild their lives afterwards.

CARE Norway’s main priorities

Her money – her empowerment
A Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA)* is a group of people who save together and take small loans from those savings. Millions of women have escaped poverty and many have become entrepreneurs with the help of CAREs VSLAs

Her body – her choice
Family planning and protection against gender-based violence and sexual harassment are important rights for women. Nobody except the woman herself should be able to make decisions involving her body.

Her voice her dreams
Rights to contribute to decisions in local communities lead to increased gender equality and economic growth for the nation.

Humanitarian reponse
CARE is already present in many communities - so we can start life-saving assistance immediately when diasasters happen.

VSLAs: our most important tool

VSLAs were invented by Norwegian Moira Eknes and women from Niger more than 30 years ago. The creation and structure of these groups remain our most important tools in fighting poverty - and distribute knowledge about gender equality and human rights.

CARE is present in 121 countries around the globe. CARE Norway has a special responsibility in 10 of them:



DR Congo

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Empower a woman to take control of her own life

As a monthly donor you support women in earning their own money, having their voices heard and be self- sufficient.

every month

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